The regions currently covered under nwfz agreements include. African nuclear weaponfreezone treaty pelindaba treaty. Abrief guide to the pelindaba treaty and the process of ratification, institute for security studies, pretoria, 2008, pp. Introduction the african nuclear weapon free zone treaty hereafter the pelindaba treaty or the treaty of pelindaba entered into force on 15 july 2009. The commission of the african union succeeded the secretarygeneral of the oau. This treaty shall be open for signature by any state in the african nuclearweaponfree zone. They negotiated the african nuclear weaponfree zone treaty pelindaba treaty in the framework of the organization of african unity. African nuclearweaponfree zone the pelindaba treaty, establishing the african nuclearweaponfree zone, came into effect on 15 july 2009 when burundi ratified the treaty. African nuclear weaponfree zone treaty pelindaba treaty. Treaty of pelindaba news latest breaking stories and top. The treaty was signed in 1996 and came into effect with the 28th ratification on 15 july 2009. Pdf icon the african nuclearweaponfree zone treaty pelindaba treaty. Pelindaba zulu for end of story or the conclusion is south africas main nuclear research center, run by the south african nuclear energy corporation. Secondly, as the pelindaba treaty only entered into force on 15 july 2009, it.
The npt nuclear weapons states and nuclear weapons free zones 71. Convinced also that the african nuclearweaponfree zone will constitute an important step towards strengthening the nonproliferation regime, promoting cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, promoting general. It is the strategic framework for delivering on africas goal for inclusive and sustainable development and is a concrete manifestation of the panafrican drive for unity, selfdetermination, freedom, progress and collective prosperity pursued under pan. African nuclearweaponfree zone treaty treaty of pelindaba. Free zone treaty treaty of pelindaba, and the southeast asia nuclearweaponfree zone treaty treaty of bangkok. African nuclearweapon free zone means the territory of the continent of africa, islands states members of oau and all islands considered by the organization of african unity in its resolutions to be part of africa. The pelindaba treaty was initiated by the organisation of the african unity during the heads of states summit at cairo in 1964, with the aim to have a nuclear free africa.
Similar to the nuclear nonproliferation treaty, five treaties on regional nuclearweaponsfreezones require parties to conclude a comprehensive safeguards agreement with the iaea. Interafrican convention establishing an african technical cooperation programme. It was the 28th state to do so, thus meeting the treatys requirements for entry into force. Pdf icon the african nuclearweaponfree zone treaty pelindaba treaty en. The anwfz treaty the pelindaba treaty was opened for signature in cairo, egypt, on 11 april 1996, and entered into force on 15 july 2009.
Convinced also that the african nuclearweaponfree zone treaty, negotiated and signed in accordance with the declaration on the denuclearization of africa ahgres. The name pelindaba was particularly appropriate when the draft was adopted as the name originates from the zulu words iphelile indaba, which. African nuclear weaponfree zone treaty pelindaba treaty the parties to this treaty guided by the declaration on the denuclearization of africa, adopted by the assembly of heads of state and government of the organization of. Constitution of the association of african trade promotion organizations. Region african union subject sub subject type others reference number place of adoption addis ababa, ethiopia date of adoption july, 1995 date of ratificationadoption november 15th 2000 date of entry into force july 15th 2009 treaty status signature date april 11th 1996.
Check against delivery statement by mr jean du preez chief, external relations and international cooperation preparatory commission for the comprehensive nucleartestban treaty organization first conference of state parties of the african nuclear weapons free zone treaty addis ababa, 4 november 2010. African nuclear weaponfree zone treaty pelindaba treaty full text pdf, english preamble. Weaponfree zone treaty the treaty of pelindaba by the ministers for foreign affairs and heads of delegation attending the ceremony held in cairo, egypt, on 11 april 1996, on the occasion of the. The treaty of pelindaba on the african nuclearweaponfree zone oluyemi adeniji unidir united nations institute for disarmament research geneva, switzerland. Its a pleasure to be here and thank you for the opportunity to speak on this issue of the pelindaba treaty.
The report called upon african states not yet party to the treaty of pelindaba to sign and ratify it, as well as for npt states parties in africa, which have not yet done so, to conclude comprehensive safeguards agreements with the iaea. The african nuclearweaponfree zone anwfz treaty, known as the treaty of pelindaba, prohibits contracting parties from conducting research on, developing, manufacturing, stockpiling, acquiring, or possessing any nuclear explosive devices. Sola ogunbanwo, chief expert advisor on the african nuclearweaponfree zone, was a delegate of nigeria to the 2000. The treaty of pelindaba on the african nuclearweaponfree. In addition, the antarctic treaty demilitarizes the antarctic continent. African nuclear weapon free zone treaty treaty of pelindaba.
African nuclearweaponfree zone treaty pelindaba treaty, 1995. Accelerate the ratification of the pelindaba treaty. It is situated near the hartbeespoort dam, approximately 33 km 22 miles west of pretoria, on the farm that once belonged to gustav preller. A brief guide to the pelindaba treaty towards entry. Pursuant to this treaty, each party undertakes not to conduct research on, develop, manufacture, stockpile or otherwise acquire, possess or have control over any nuclear explosive device by any means anywhere. The guide also provides an update of developments in the implementation of the treaty as a whole since its entry intoforce in july 2009 and since the publication of a brief guide to the pelindaba treaty. Problems and prospects for the treaty on the creation of a nuclearweaponfree zone in southeast asia surya p. The idea of an african nuclear weapon free zone anwfz originated in the oau during the 1960s. This makes the african continent the worlds most recent nuclear.
The treaty of tlatelolco, wh ich established a nuclearweaponfree zone nwfz in latin america, opened for signature in february 1967, some 18 months before the global treaty on. Africas contribution to putting an end to nuclear explosions. Introduction the african nuclear weapon free zone treaty also known as the treaty of pelindaba entered into force on 15 july 2009. African nuclear weaponfree zone treaty pelindaba treaty the parties to this treaty guided by the declaration on the denuclearization of africa, adopted by the assembly of heads of state and government of the organization of african unity hereinafter referred to as oau. The treaty opened for signature in 1996 but less than half of the african states that signed the treaty ratified it, and two more ratifying states are needed for its entry into force. African nuclear weaponfreezone treaty pelindaba treaty iaea. African nuclear weapons free zone treaty anwfz treaty. The african nuclear weapons free zone treaty is also known as the pelindaba treaty, as it was adopted at pelindaba, site of the then atomic energy corporation aec of south africa on 2 june 1995. Problems and prospects for the treaty on the creation of a. The pelindaba treaty embodies a unified, continental effort to harness nuclear energy responsibly and peacefully. Five such zones exist today, with four of them spanning the entire southern hemisphere.
After an uneasy pause during the height of the cold war, several efforts have been made in the recent past to establish nuclearweaponfree nwfzs or nuclearfree zones nfzs in certain parts of the globe. Five years after entryintoforce of the treaty of pelindaba on the african nuclearweaponfree zone 4 p a g e i. In june 1995, at the 31st ordinary a br i e f gu i d e t o. Firstly, due to the secretive nature of a states nuclear weapons programme, primary sources are often inaccessible and therefore secondary sources predominate in analyses of this issue. African nuclearweaponsfree zone treaty arms control. Some lessons for international nuclear nonproliferation drawn from these experiences follow. Regional initiatives toward a nuclear weapons free world. Chagos and the african nuclearweaponfree zone article pdf available in south african journal of economics 263. Read all the latest news, breaking stories, top headlines, opinion, pictures and videos about treaty of pelindaba from nigeria and the world on today. The african nuclearweaponfree zone treaty pelindaba. Guided by the declaration on the denuclearization of.
African nuclearweaponfreezone anwfz treaty pelindaba. Timeline of relevant dates pelindaba treaty dd 5 261008 12. Among the first regions to decide on a continental nuclear weaponfree zone was africa, which in 1964 adopted the declaration on the denuclearization of africa. African nuclearweaponfree zone treaty pelindaba treaty signed at cairo. The treaty finally opened for signature in 1996 and entered into force thirteen years later, in 2009. The treaty of pelindaba on the african nuclearweaponfreezone. The treaty prohibits the research, development, manufacture, stockpiling, acquisition, testing, possession, control or stationing of nuclear. Congratulating africa on the 10th anniversary of the.
These treaties cover latin america and the caribbean, the south pacific, southeast asia, africa and. For treaties where the secretarygeneral of the united nations is not the depository. African nuclear weaponfreezone treaty pelindaba treaty guided also, by the resolutions of the fiftyfourth and fiftysixth ordinary sessions of the council of ministers of oau, held at abuja from 27 may to 1 june 1991 and at dakar from 22 to 28 june 1992 respectively, cmres. African nuclearweaponfree zone treaty pelindaba treaty.
Since the pelindaba treaty on the african nuclear weaponfree zone nwfz entered into force on 15 july 2009, there are six such zones in the world. A nuclearweaponfree zone nwfz is a specified region in which countries commit themselves not to manufacture, acquire, test, or possess nuclear weapons. The middle east, korean peninsula, south asia, europe, and american regions can also benefit from studying and emulating this regional nwfz role model. Olu adeniji, the african nuclearweaponfree zone treaty the pelindaba text and its provisions, disarmament 19. The pelindaba treaty named after south africas main nuclear research centre, run by the south african nuclear energy corporation and was the location where south africas atomic bombs of the 1970s were developed, constructed and subsequently stored, establishes a nuclearweaponfree zone in africa. Protocol iii the parties to this protocol convinced of the need to take all steps in achieving the ultimate goal of a world entirely free of nuclear weapons as well as the obligations of all states to contribute to this end, convinced also that the african nuclearweaponfree zone treaty, negotiated and signed in accordance with the declaration. The parties to this treaty, lear attacks on their territories, guided by the declaration on the denuclearization. At lalits international conference to free diego garcia, noel stott spoke by skype video from south africa on the pelindaba treaty. Article 18 signature, ratification and entry into force. The african nuclear weapon free zone treaty, also known as the treaty of pelindaba named after south africas main nuclear research centre, run by the south african nuclear energy corporation and was the location where south africas atomic bombs of the 1970s were developed, constructed and subsequently stored, establishes a nuclearweapon free zone in africa. The african nuclear weapon free zone treaty, also known as the treaty of pelindaba, establishes a nuclearweaponfree zone in africa. African nuclear weapon free zone treaty treaty of pelindaba status of the treaty. Pelindaba treaty african commission on nuclear energy. Agenda 2063 is the blueprint and master plan for transforming africa into the global powerhouse of the future.
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